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News Blog

June 21: Book & Audio Party!

You're invited! The culminating event for my SU-CASA "Tell Us Your Stories" workshop will be a book and audio party in Goddard Riverside Older Adult Center's Art Room. Participants in the reminiscence, oral history, and storytelling series will perform live readings and introduce audio clips of their stories about earliest memories, childhood pastimes, home and family, and more.


A limited edition book of their work will be distributed at the event and guests will be invited to share their own reminiscences over light refreshments.


A preview of the workshop's audio stories is now available for listening on my SoundCloud page.


WHEN: Friday, June 21st, from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM


WHERE: Goddard Riverside Older Adult Center, 593 Columbus Avenue at West 88th Street, New York, NY 10024

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